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Old 11-03-20, 03:36 PM   #7
Von Due
Sea Lord
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Experimenting here:I read the crew's hours would be 3 shifts 6 hours each for Work, misc work, rest so that's what I set up: 6 green, 6 grey and 6 red boxes so that 6 of 18 men would rest at all times (I have read that crew don't sleep or need any. Amphetamine must have done wonders for them huh)

Now with all officers off duty, I get 11 men working at all times, regardless:
4 lookouts (priority 10 but I hear you)
4 in the engine room (today was the first time I saw more than 2 but I shouldn't be surprised I guess)
1 helmsman
1 cook
1 cleaner

My 2 engineers are doing cruise work: Engines and radio, 4 hours on 4 hours off overlapping 2 hours work. Both have 2 assistents but the one on radio duty only uses 1.

Radio man is doing 4 hours on 4 hours off, overlapping the engineers to give me 24 hours radio and rest ing hours. No helpers for him.

Total crew working is now 12/18 but methinks the game design wants me to cut down on that else I want the galley to host 4 course meals every hour.
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