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Old 10-30-20, 11:33 AM   #1
Von Due
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Default Questions and more questions

Just let me start this by saying I am aware that this game is early access for the sole reason to let players test the game and report bugs, more than just playing another game. That out of the way:

Having a few hours into this (b127 as b128 was a merry mess of bugs) I have a few questions I hope someone here might be able to answer:

Officers, schedules and sleep: Having read that sleep priority is 11, I have played around with the schedules and tasks and it occurs to me that officers will only go to sleep if you allow them to roam the boat freely. Schedule them for time off (red boxes) and they will never go to sleep. Only grey boxes will make an officer go to sleep automatically. Forced rest works but automatic rest is not happening on their time off. Even more confusing, this only works for non-radio/hydrophone officers. The radiomen never go to sleep automatically, period. Force rest is the only option. Any of you ever encountered that issue and did you find a way to make it work more sensibly?

Crew on the power/light switches: The crew will not touch the light/power switch even if I crank that priority up beyond 11. Is this a known issue or intentional?

Did you find a working schedule/task set for both crew and officers? If so, please share!

Other than that: This game has a lot that I wish SH3 have had and a few things that SH3 has that I miss. I understand the two games are totally different in that SH3 is a sim and Uboat is an action game with sim elements. Still, I would not be disappointed if mods could turn this game more towards sim territory, preferably well into sim territory. So far I do enjoy it a lot (confusion and game issues aside) but SH3/GWX is still my yardstick for sub games.
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