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Old 10-14-20, 05:38 PM   #1
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Default Another big missing in Silent Hunter

How to avoid torpedoing a neutral ship by mistake? That is something that has happened many times during the war, but in missions we would have to try to avoid it. Three Argentine merchant ships were torpedoed by German submarines, during the Second World War. Like other neutral nations, our ships began to have the national flag, the name of the ship and its home port painted on the sides of the hull. I haven't seen anything like it in SH3, unless it exists in a mod that I don't have. If not, could this question be modified in any way? I suppose that would force to increase the merchant fleet with many more variants, separating belligerents from neutrals, and perhaps complicate the game. But it is a real aspect that would be very timely to incorporate into virtual submarines.
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