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Old 10-08-20, 06:08 AM   #10798
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One if the biggets scandals in all this is that I still wait for the first doctor in mainstrema media pointing at the importance of well-maintainign and boosting your immune ystem by good nutrition and supplements. Its the most natural thing to assume they would encourage people to do so, and what happens? NOT ONE WORD by giovenrment, government offices, official authorities experts. Nothing.

Lancet Journal 2003: glycernine is the most effective inhibitor of multiplication of SARS virusses. Lymphocytes need sulfur to function, Already examined since the H1N1 virus: NAC: N-Acetyl -Cystein (amino acid), again tremedously effects the suppression of vorus mutliplication. Vitamine D. Vitamine A (to repair the intestine mucosa, which isn part of the immune system'S defence line as we now have understood). Lung mucosa, obviously. Both Vit A and D can also regulate inhibition factors on the DNA level, they can read and modulate (!) the DNA inside the cell. Vitmamine C, what should I say, it is common kowledge now, and only the industry tries to defame the efficiency of Vitamine C (and good nutrition in general, they want ill people to whom they can sell their expensive drugs). Selene, very important, indispensable for cell-internal energy-production and boosting the mitochondrias. Beta-1.3-Glucane, help to form out indifferentiated immune cells TH0 into differentiated (effective) TH1 cells that take the battle to the enemy. Licorice, in the mecial journals already twenty years ago, has a strong inhibitory effect on SARS virusses.

And so on and on and on.

Instead, nutrition experts who get paid by the industry tell us we should be very cuatious and ot take too much. And nobody tells peopel to stop eating the sh!t they are stuffing into them every day, all day long. A good ammout of tha beign simply TOXIC. Obesity has become a problem that exploded ovetr th east twneyt years ibEuroe as well, it snot just the US anymore. But they make a trade deal inw ich Americans can the right to cell their highly toxic corn sirups almost by force on Europena markets, whcih had them banned so far due to immense health concerns.

The immune system is the first line of defence of our organism. If you do not understand by yourself why everybody should consider it to be in his very own interest to support it and stop destroying it, I cannot help it, it must be auicide drive at work then. Nutrition supplements might prove to be the most effecitve single weapon in the fight to get the pandemic under control. In Germany, giving high doses of Vitamine D is part of the standard therpay for hospitalised Corona patients now - half a year ago everybody was laughing about it although scientific literature holds over 20,000 articles and studies ion the efficiency of Vitamine D already three years ago!

Its a scandal and a total and complete failure of poltics all around the globe. The biggest single stupid action, or better: non-action, characterising this pandemic. I get furious about it. I am convinced that the number of deaths as well as the numbers of seriosu cases landign in hospitals could be more thna halved, if a better nutrition would enter the households and if massive nutrition supplements and knwoeldge on their possiblenon.harmful doses would become widespread common good.

And clubs like the DGE and other nutrition advice councels and associations who are just well-camouflaged lobby groups protecting the profit itnerests of thre oharmacautical industry, should be BANNED. They are killing thosuands and tens and handreds of thousands of people every year ith their poisonous "advice". Needless to say: the industry should have no word in formulating curriculae for course sin medicine. It should also not be allowed to finance parts of universities and projects at universities.

Its ot done with judt having a salad every day. Green salad is almost free of nutrtion value these days, you could as well eat a block of writng paper, that has leaves too. You need to leanr a bit more and you need to supplement to oveocme the many shortcomings there are, and overcomign them quickly. To get you started. And once you got started, then you can embark on consideing whether to chage your unhealthy food habits as well.

The Corona pandemic has in ivnisble letters written one big message all ver it: STOP EATING GARBAGE, start to eat nutrion of value. Earlier in the pandemic they started to relaise that ther eis a pandemic isnide the pandemic, the so-called Vitmaine-C-deficiency pandemic. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. In rreality this is a general nutritio-value-deficiency pandemic. Its not jst Vitmaine D, its also Vitiane Bs, A, Selene, Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios, Q10, and more. We eat too much bad stuff of no value, and we do not eat enogzh of the good stuff with good value. And the altter cannot even be fed to everybody, becasue for that we are simply way too many people on Earth, once again: WE ARE TOO MANY. There is not enough fish in the sea to feed everbyody with the ammounts needed, for example.

You see, I gave started to look beyond the runnign virus pandemic and see that it is embedded in a bigger context for which it is a symptom.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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