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Old 09-25-20, 01:50 PM   #2
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Hold off on modding DW until you have the basic gameplay figured out. Play some missions and maybe the full campaign before you start making changes or it will be like drinking from a fully charged fire hose.

I'm trying to remember DWX, as I recall it wasn't the most stable mod.

Before you go full-bore with RA, make sure the basic game is almost boring, there's a lot to learn with the different platforms and their sensors and tactics.
RA is good at what it is, but what it is might be something you might not want. You can download the LWAMI mod (ver. 3.08, 3.10 or 3.11)* from this site and try it out, but the same caution applies, make sure you have the basic game figured out first or else any of the mods will be a very frustrating experience.

*- The LWAMI mods are stand-alone versions of DW that alter some aspects of game play, mostly with the attack subs. LWAMI 3.08 and 3.10 are good intros to what LWAMI does to the basic game while LWAMI 3.11 builds on the older versions with more available Navies and ship classes to play against.
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