Thread: Space
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Old 09-19-20, 10:19 AM   #1
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Default Space

I have always been interested in space and space travel not to mention the planets, but im wondering several things as we get into the 2020's and want to get views from others.

First up there is the mathematical evedence to support a planet 9, apparently this would be a planet that is eTNOs and is orbitting around 250 times more distant than the distance between the earth to the sun, and the planet would be around 5-10 times the mass of earth with a 20,000 year orbit of our sun.
Some have suggested that infact theres no planet 9 but rather a black hole in place, in anycase which do you think is the most probable?

Human on Mars, our planet aligns with Mars every 24 months, i find it highly likely we will see a human on Mars in my life time (yes im excited i want to go myself) but do you think the current proposed 3 year long mission will work? i do think it would be a bit much with no infrastructure for the astronaughts.
I also have a feeling Elon Musks proposal of 1 million to Mars is a bit far fetched for 2100.

Another thing about mars is that the surface is very cold so do you think we could create a habitable planet? we know how to warm up a planet thats for sure we do it to our own but in a few hundred years could we create a atmosphere and change the Mars planet into one similar to earth ?

Cryogenic travel, well there was another proposul about cryogenically freezing humans to perform extremely long missions, i'm mixed on the idea because id like to live on earth a bit longer and i would probably be in old age when i got frozen which is no good in my view, the humans that would need to be frozen would need to be around thier 30's and in A1 health thats my view.

A trip to the ISS yes its high on my list but right now unaffordable, but with the ISS due to decommission in 2024 its highly likely for some time atleast that the space station will hold tourists, the question is how much money will each person spend to get there (im getting quotes of $55m USD)
Of course id love to go to the ISS but id also love to go to the Moon and Mars do you think by 2050 good ol Elon will have come up with something so we could travel to these two places?

These are some questions i ponder sometimes there are many more but id like to get to know your views on the subject and any questions you may have about space.
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