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Old 09-14-20, 08:55 AM   #10588
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Ok, point taken.

But let's talk about hypocrisiy where it matters. Your Democrats constantly chant diversity! inclusion! POC power! When your primaries began there was a gay dude, several blacks, women, POC, hispanics, asians, and a Jew, yet somehow, somehow you managed to weed them all out and select a senile old white man whose 40+ years in political life are distinguished by one noteworthy accomplishment, the Biden Crime Bill, that he is now running away from as fast as his hairy legs will carry him.

Yeah, that's hypocrisy, where it counts.


Neal, nice try, but no cigar...

I'm not a Democrat and if you look at my posts, I vary rarely, if ever, "defend" them; once, some long time ago, in a thread far, far away, someone called me to task saying I was "defending" DEMs because I didn't criticize them openly in the threads, to which I pointed out there were so many anti-DEM posts, I just didn't see any point to unnecessarily pile on and, personally I don't think my agreeing would enhance the argument(s); reinventing the wheel is not my style; so don't mistake silence for complicity...

As far as hypocrisy is concerned, the GOP has a very long standing reputation of publicly stating lofty principles such as "family values", "law and order", and things like "not negotiating with terrorists" and "cleaning up the government", yet the past GOP administrations and Congresses have seen wide cases of adultery, sexual scandal, breach of laws of all types, backroom deals with not only terrorists, but, also, their sponsors, and some of the worst corruption and abuse of power ever seen in the modern US; the big difference in the GOP's finger pointing at the DEMs is they seem very hard pressed to explain their own failure to police their own while condemning others; if you're gonna talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk, and so far the GOP has been very badly limping and putting up the idiocy, incompetency, and failure of Trump as their paragon doesn't make their stumbling any better; much like the Far-Right evangelicals who seem to be at a loss to defend or explain away their espousal of Trump when he is so blatantly a prime example of what a Christian should not be, the GOP can't seem to sell Trump as what a competent, sane, and effective President should be...

As an Independent, I don't 'defend' any party or political partisanship, but I will point out when a falsehood or distortion of facts does occur if no one else will and if I feel it is constructive in any degree; again silence is not agreement...

If the GOP wants to be taken seriously about their Flag-wrapped (but hollow) platitudes, then they have to grow a spine and clean house and maintain the standards they claim to have; if they did, who knows... I might just decide to join a party...

Now, go find some Democrats to hound about their hypocrisy...

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