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Old 09-13-20, 12:56 AM   #10583
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In the continuing race to see just how hypocritical and nonsensically idiotic the GOP can get, Lindsey Graham submits his own bid for the crown:

Lindsey Graham Bashed For Trump Hypocrisy As He Mocks Rival For Not Baring Tax Returns --

Boy, I bet Graham gets an earful from Massa Trump when he reports back to the White House plantation about how he just threw Capt. Bonespurs under the wheels of the bus...

Meanwhile, another Trump minion springs up to give the GOP another headache:

Roger Stone to Donald Trump: bring in martial law if you lose election --

Stone, by the way, made local LA headlines, which later broke nationally, when he gave his first interview after his commutation of his sentence on criminal charges by Trump; he appeared as a phone line guest on a local radio talk show hosted by an African-American, Mo Kelly; I listen to Kelly's show since he is an Independent, proudly so, and gives it to both the left and right, Dem and GOP, and is extremely fair and evenhanded in his approach; Kelly uses logic and common sense to puncture anyone's balloon who tries to float unsubstantiated rhetoric as fact; Stone appeared on Kelly's show willingly and with full consent and agreed prior to the airing that all subjects were open; after some standard questions, Kelly asked Stone if Stone believed he would have gotten preferential treatment of his case, via a commutation from Trump, if Stone had not been an ally and longtime associate of Trump; there was a bit of silence an then the sound of Stone turning away from his phone, whereupon he is heard telling someone in Stone's room "“I don’t feel like arguing with this negro." Stone apparently thought the comment did not go out over the air, which it did (I actually heard it live while I was shopping and I was stunned Stone could be so stupid); Kelly, who distinctly heard the comment, called out Stone on his use of the term 'negro' and Stone, realizing he was heard made a fumbled denial of saying the word; I've got to give Kelly credit; he kept his cool and, other than pointing out Stone was recorded saying what he said, continued on with the interview, which was curtailed due to 'something came up' for Stone...

Roger Stone Uses Racial Slur During Live Interview on ‘The Mo’Kelly Show’ --

It is said you can tell the quality of a person by the company they keep; Stone and Trump speak volumes about each other and about those who consider them to be 'decent' persons...

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