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Old 09-13-20, 12:25 AM   #10582
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
It's all coming up Trump!

Trump nominated for second Nobel Peace Prize following Serbia-Kosovo deal
Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
I must teeth-grindingly admit that with the two treaties between Israel and the UAE and Bahrein he has scored big. To what degree it was him and to what degree it was senior diplomats, is something else.
Originally Posted by Grumpy Pete View Post
True. And quite honestly, just about every administration has tried (and failed) to broker a Middle East peace plan since ~1948. What Trump has accomplished in this area in one term is quite impressive indeed. Whether it was done by senior diplomats or is something Trump had a hands on approach to doesn't matter. It is happening on his watch.

Seriously, if it was anyone else besides Trump that was putting his signature on this plan, even the Democrats would be recommending the Nobel Peace Prize...

Trump's (or maybe better said, Jared's) Mideast peace process may have resulted in a seeming detente of sorts, but it is still far and away from a comprehensive or even enforceable pair "peace accords"; as pointed out before, the known sponsorship of anti-Israeli and anti-American (along with several other "anti-" you-name the government/religion, etc., jihads) by wealthy, politically-connected and, in some cases where a monarchy exists, direct family members of Arab nations, including the UAE and Bahrain, makes any superficial 'peace accords' a farce; the true sincerity of the Arab leadership in such accords will only be verified when they actively and decisively bring to account those who directly sponsor/support terrorism against non-Arab targets; the '"accords' may buy some time and give the Arab states a powder-puff dusting of respectability and may attempt to burnish a severely domestically damaged US government, but it is just no better than a shadow show of Potemkinish PR...

As far as the assertion that:


And quite honestly, just about every administration has tried (and failed) to broker a Middle East peace plan since ~1948.

...well, as with other grandiose claims made by Trump and/or his Trumpettes, history and facts say otherwise":

1978 Camp David Accords (under Carter) which led to...

1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (under Carter)

1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (under Clinton)

... and this is not to mention other inter-State accords such as the 2003 Geneva Accord that is still in force today, although the participants are still in an uphill slog owing to the effort of states such as UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, etc. and their citizens to undermine peace efforts regarding Israel...

When the citizens of the US and Israel no longer have to live under a sort of 'siege' by Arab state and citizen sponsored terrorism, then I would be willing to say progress has been made; as of now, the Trump "accomplishments" in the Mideast are scarcely worth the ink used to sign them and have as little credence or verity as Trump himself...

...although I'll bet Trump and Jerod got a hell of a real estate deal out of the Arabs...and maybe a bit of under the table campaign/personal bailout funding, to boot...

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