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Old 09-08-20, 03:30 AM   #31
Silent Hunter
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Very interesting project; I found out about it a few weeks ago and gave them a shoutout on the Wolves of the Kaiser facebook page.

I REALLY REALLY love that they will include search and rescue functions!

One thing I never liked about the Silent Hunter series? Escorts not having to rescue survivors. In WWII this was always an agonizing decision for a destroyer commander. Whenever a ship was torpedoed - do we track down the submarine and leave the survivors to die? or do we rescue the survivors and maybe let the sub continue its attack? For all they knew, the same sub they let go could sink a battleship or troopship next time - costing thousands of lives.

I don't know much about US destroyer's interiors, but the pictures are quite lovely; I assume they must be highly accurate.

Also happy to hear about the "fog of war"/lack of omniscience. Too many games have up-to-date "radar screens" that give away exactly where each friendly or enemy is at all time. Although maybe something like that could be an option for beginners/low difficulty levels.

I hope there's a good roster of ships! To be honest I would really love to have seen a project focusing on British & Canadian units (I'm biased because my family comes from the[former] British And the UK+Dominions escorts, of course, did the vast majority of Atlantic escort work, even after the US entered the war. Still, I'm glad to hear that other navies are a possibility in the future.
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