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Old 08-25-20, 12:58 PM   #519
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Video shows Blake being grabbed by his shirt from behind, then the cop shooting Blake in the back at least 7 times.
"Justified"? impossible to imagine any way that his shooting was justified.

"Anyone following the news for the past six months, and the past six years, has seen a numbing succession of these stories: An unarmed black person, usually a man or boy, is shot by police. There’s a good chance he has his back turned when multiple shots are fired. The incident is caught on video. There are demonstrations demanding reforms. Then some days or weeks later, in another city, the whole thing plays out again."

And they call demonstrations against such police action "anarchy"? This is clear racism. Time to wake up for all, what the hell is wrong over there?

Clearly you don't understand how this works. When the police are called to a domestic disturbance and they cannot get the suspect to cooperate, when the suspect ignores their orders, and lunges into his car like this idiot did, the officers' degree of risk goes off the scale. He has every right to shoot the guy. What if he just watched and the guy pulled a pistol out from his front seat and started shooting the officer? Then the officer can respond?

Do you need me to post some examples of times when a cop hesitated and then was shot?

Yeah, time for some more peaceful protests, board up the Apple store and sneaker shops.
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