Thread: [REL] AI_Active_Sonar_Mod
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Old 08-23-20, 02:19 PM   #7
Grumpy Pete
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Yep. That certainly is a likely scenario in calm weather . I've been using the 2500 for a while now and it can be a real buggar to get away, especially in calmer weather conditions.

A little more detail regarding this nod for you. Passive sonar is not affected (I didn't touch those files). However, it can appear to be more effective due to how the game works with the new active range. If you allow the enemy to have a broadside aspect for a long time at ranges ~1500, he may start pinging when without the mod he would have sailed merrily on his way. With a narrow aspect--not so much.

How I get away is by keeping the escort in my baffles between 160 and 200 degrees. You'll still be getting pinged a lot but the chance of detection is much reduced. I (typically) maintain 2 knot speed. Dropping to one knot doesn't "seem" to make much of a difference as long as I'm silent running. Sometimes I drop to one knot (rpm 50) and it can make a difference but part of that difference is due to staying under his sonar cone at close ranges. You can also keep detection chances low by keeping him in your bow profile of 340-20 degrees but the problem there is obvious. You'd closing the range to him and when close, aspect doesn't matter. He'll find you.

The worst case scenario I've had so far was when facing three angry escorts--a DD, Frigate and Flower Class. The problem then becomes their different turning radius'. It makes it impossible to keep them all in your baffles and one will almost always get an angle on you. And those three escorts were persistent! They ignored the convoy and stuck with me til they were out of depth charges. It took four hours in real time to get away--9 hours game time to get away. I was more than happy to use compressed time when they had quit dropping depth charges !

Bottom line: you'll hear a lot more pinging but it doesn't always mean they have contact. Your crew will tell you when they do ("Enemy is pinging us Sir!"). The 2500 mod is tough but that's what I am now using by default. If I know I have limited time to play, I replace it with the 1700 meter version. And don't forget enemy crew quality--the Great Unknown. I'd say it is a safe bet the escort you were pursued by was Elite and that makes a HUGE difference!

Anecdotal information: An interesting point is that in real life, flat calm seas were considered poor for sonar. The reason being, disturbances caused by explosions and ship wakes did not have any wave action to disperse them so sonar indications were confused. Ship wakes actually can be strong enough to give an active return while in passive create Lots of noise. Best sonar conditions were typically sea state two or three. Not that it really matters to the game--just some info.

If you want, I'd be happy to create another version of this mod with an intermediate range. It would be easy to split the difference so three versions would be available--1700, 2100 and 2500. And for others who may interested, while I created this using GWX, I see absolutely no reason it won't work with other mega mods.

Finally @ Eastwa--Congrats on your new computer! Always nice to have some more power under the hood!

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