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Old 08-23-20, 07:35 AM   #203
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Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
Argument duly noted, and well considered as usual but it's dangerous work as a fire-helicoptor pilot has already died this week.This is a matter of increase of firepower especially when the volume of fires exceeds last years' already. All fireplanes miss the mark like any bomber but this bad boy is seriously missing from the fight and I saw it first hand in 2017: "von Claucsewitzian" Rule 2: ie always increase firepower if possible; and doing the work of six conventional aircraft - is essentially military 'economy of forces' : literally ten fewer pilots and crews. The 747 is a two plane affair with a spotter aircraft leading the way and releasing smoke at the drop point. Even the DC-10 uses a Cessna Citation spotter And even the DC-10 with half the payload of the 747, gets a little too close to ridge terrain for comfort: video #1: Note spotter in video #2; complete with puff of smoke!!

That aircraft made an appearance here in SoCal a few years ago, were tested , including some use in actual fire fighting, and the local fire authorities mulled over whether or not to lease/buy one, but the initial runs in the mountainous terrain with deep valley and their updrafts/downdrafts/air-bursts raised concerns about the long-term safety of the craft in use in SoCal; concerns were actually raised about the possibility of such a craft running into trouble, crashing in the woods, and either spreading an already bad fire even more, or if it landed in an area father away, creating a new fire front; I never heard or saw any actual resolution, so my guess the idea was just allowed to peter out...

The lead plane system is also in effect down here and there have been reports of drop runs being aborted when the smaller lead planes ran into strong turbulence caused by the fires and caution called for a wave off of the larger planes; I agree it is usually best to have the most available volume, but it looks like local conditions tend to dictate the prudence of avoiding unacceptable risk...

Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Possibly old news right now but it is being reported that the POTUS has declared the situation as a major disaster and is about to release federal aid.

Why has it taken so long?

California is on Trump's naughty list' since we are essentially a heavily Democratic controlled state; it is the home of his nemesis, the Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (who have thwarted a lot of his shenanigans); it is the home state of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (another nemesis); the state has refused to give obeisance to King Donald at all levels; the GOP took a very sound thrashing in 2016 and 2018 in CA (where a county solidly held by the GOP not only voted overwhelmingly for Clinton in 2016, it also voted out all the remaining GOP incumbents/candidates in 2018 in favor of DEMs, the first time had happened since 1936); etc., etc.; it is a long list and DT holds very big grudges; he has tried in the past to withhold or remove Federal funds and/or assistance unless CA gives in to his demands, always losing, either due to court rulings, or the realization by the GOP and his advisors, his actions could have very serious PR implications; just the day before yesterday, CA' Governor, Gavin Newsom, was questioned about the lack of a Federal State of Emergency Declaration from the White House and assured the public communications were open between the State and White House and he had been re assured by persons in the Trump Administration a Declaration was forthcoming and, it has indeed been issued; Gov. Newsom also noted that the very public threats and blustering by Trump quite often are belied by actual actions taken:

Amid raging fires and pandemic, Newsom calls relationship with Trump ‘very effective’ --

I think Newsom has taken a page fom the Putin/Kim playbooks and sussed out that if you pat Trump on the head, give him a cookie, and tell him he's a good boy, he'll happily give you what you need...

Its a pity such games have to be played to get urgently needed aid; hopefully next January will see a marked decrease in such pettiness...

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