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Old 08-12-20, 03:26 AM   #4624
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Originally Posted by the beast View Post
A close friend of mine who I just visited on Friday and Saturday to play Call of Duty with him and swim in the pool he has, is now displaying symptoms of Coronavirus. He texted me earlier in the afternoon telling me about it. My dad sent a text to his dad and all I know is that he is sick and is displaying all symptoms except vomitting.

I am possibly infected with Coronavirus.

Whats even worse is that we had a family night on Friday and I came home and possibly infected my entire moms side of the family.

I am hoping that he just has a really bad case of strep throat or something else because I will not be happy starting my first few weeks of school quarantined in my room, or wherever I am quarantined at.

I will keep you guys updated if you are interested.

Just goes to show how insidious and random Covid-19 really is; one never really knows from whence may come a source of infection...

I really do hope it all works out well for you and that you are one of the luck ones to be not affected by the virus. Take care of yourself and be careful of the family around you and of the others also surrounding you; also, be sure to take prompt action if anything, no matter how seemingly trivial, seems out of the norm and seek medical advice immediately; sometimes there is significance in the insignificant...

Be careful, take care, and I hope for your good health...

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