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Old 08-03-20, 04:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by StealthRabbit View Post
A few nights ago I came across a TV show called 'Hell Below' on the Smithsonian channel I think that is about submarines during WWII. There are a few U-Boat episodes, a handful of Royal Navy episodes, and several U.S. Subs in the Pacific episodes. The episodes about the U.S. Subs like the Tang, Wahoo, and Harder are my favorite. Anyway in one of the episodes they talk about how some U.S. Navy captains would conduct surface torpedo attacks at night, sometimes from within the convoy. I believe it was Richard O'Kane who did this while commanding the Tang, but don't hold me to that. While watching that I thought that would be great if I could do that in SH-IV but I know there is no way that could be done with the way the game is now. I am running TMO with RSRD-Campaign and a couple of minor environment mods. The closest thing I have been able to do to that is at night with heavy heavy seas I have come up from very deep (like 500 feet) to periscope depth at 2 kts, and if I time it right I can come up within a convoy. I know if I where to surface they all would fill me full of holes. A precious few times I was able to time everything just right and fire off all 10 tubes to cause allot of havoc, and if my guys can reload fast enough sometimes the confusion is enough to fire off 3 or 4 more mk 14's before I launch a couple of decoys (if it's after late '44) and then crash dive below the layer to hopefully make good my escape.

Is there any Mod or Mods that could approximate this, or any way to alter or tweak the game to carry out a night time surface torpedo attack? Just from playing SH-IV for a decade or so it seams that visibility is an equal two way thing. If you can see them then you can be seen, while on the surface anyway. I think it would be an interesting and fun new way to approach a night time attack. Any and all info would be appreciated.

Yes, quite possible as I do it often in TMO. However, it all depends(as in real life) on the light conditions and other factors. In most cases will not be able to get as close as O Kane etc did on surface, esp in later war when they convoys had large numbers of escorts , many with radar. I added the convoy O Kane attacked in Koshiki Straits in June 1944. Six big merchants, 12 escorts. I had to lower their skill level so was possible to move about in the convoy. However with 12 escorts and on the surface, with shallow water below, still real danger. Attack went off much as the Tang did, quite intense. One shell from an escort landed so close, did not hole my boat but caused some damage from the explosion of the near miss.. If you are playing stock, night surface attacks are nearly impossible. Far too light out at night.
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