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Old 08-02-20, 04:59 PM   #1
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Default I've just sunk HMS Hood in my career

It's june 22 1940 on my XXI u-boat patrol on GWX SH3Commander. I'm heading down the spanish coast since the british shallow waters are every day more and more swarming with DD's.

I'm getting close to Gibaltrar and i get an enemy task force report 200 km away going south at 14 knots, i didn't bother because they were way too far but then as i head down the Spanish coast i get another report of a task force heading ESE, 14 knots.

I then knew it was a juicy BB being escorted to Gibaltrar. I started a intercept course and an aircraft is spotted coming from the direction of the task force i then knew there is an aircraft carrier i quickly crash dived and went submerged. Then i get hydrophone reports of warships, went to periscope depth and i couldn't believe my eyes i looked at the ship i looked at the recognition manual and said no ****ing way this is it there's no way this is it. it was the HMS Hood and i think a Illustrious class Aircraft carrier, i couldn't waste an opportunity like this.

I quickly got in position for a shot 4.1km away each second making changes in the TDC to ensure a hit, I fired a 6 torp salvo and quickly turned away and dived to 190m. 3 minutes and 40 seconds later i get a torpedo impact message, went into free view and there it was 4 torpedoes hit, 2 missed.

I managed to get away safely after that
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