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Old 07-23-20, 05:11 PM   #634
Join Date: Nov 2014
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Default Interesting Issue in 2.2.19 Possible Radio Bug?

So I was in the second happy time portion of the campaign finishing up tanker alley in late August 1942. All of a sudden I can no longer view received radio messages in fact if I click on the icon to bring up the messages window nothing happens at all. I backtracked to my earliest save (wasn't to far back as I don't let them build up but it was before the issue occurred) and still have the same issue. I only use the mods in the WoS download so I know it cant be a mod issue. Only other thing that may have caused it is before it happened I used the phonograph and radio options for the first time in game round to test out a new set of headphones. I did wrap up the happy times campaign with no radio (just sent reports every few days, that worked) to advance and see if that would reset it to no avail. Anybody have any ideas on what my fix may be? Thanks.
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