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Old 06-30-20, 02:55 AM   #14
Navy Seal
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The video of the officer being fired upon through the windshields of the shooter's and officer's vehicle got wide play in the local LA news (Pasadena is a very adjacent city to LA) and a few of the TV stations actually ran the footage in slo-mo and froze the frame to show very clearly the shooter aiming his gun directly at the officer. there was the expected knee-jerk reaction from the usual anti-police media hounds, but it very quickly dissipated when the body-cam footage was made public...

When the idea of fitting the LAPD officers with body-cams first came out, the police union howled long and hard against the proposal; there were claims of invasion of privacy, lack of trust, etc., but the idea went through any way; I think a tipping point was when an LAPD officer was accused of misconduct and excessive force by a woman who was being detained on a charge of public lewdness wane she and her boyfriend were spied by nearby citizens having a bit of a "nooner" in their car; one of the the officers who responded had taken up the habit of carrying around a small audio recoder on him which he turned on before leaving his patrol unit; the recording showed very clearly the charges of misconduct and force were totally false and the officers acted in a thoroughly professional and respectful manner; the accuser wound being charged not only with the original lewd conduct, but also with failing a false report to the LAPD; the only downside for the officer was the fact the LAPD did not authorize the use of recording gear of any kind (the union was dead against it) and there is a CA state law prohibiting the recording of conversations unless both/all parties are aware of and consent to being recorded, so, technically, the officer was in violation of state law and acting contrary to Dept. policy and he caught a lot of falck from the higher ups in the LAPD; local news outlets made a big noise about the basic unfairness of trying to hold the officer guilty of any charges and/or discipline and public outcry fomented by the reports caused the officer to get just a bit of a slap on the wrist...

I think the body cams are a great idea and should be standard for all LEOs; this article from the LA Times from Oct 2019 shows that far more often than not body-cams work more in the officer's favor than against:

Complaints against LAPD rise as body-worn cameras help exonerate officers and prove misconduct --

One aspect of LAPD body-cams is that if an officer tries to shut off the camera, there is an automatic 'buffer' period of two (2) minutes where the cam continues to record before fully shutting off; this is to safeguard against the "accidental" shut down by an officer trying to cover up misconduct; this worked pretty well in one case:

LAPD officer charged after allegedly fondling a dead woman's breast --

The next device that should be required as standard LEO equipment is the gun-cam; this clip, by a manufacturer of one of the devices, shows how the angle of a body cam very often doesn't tell the entire story of OIS:

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