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Old 06-28-20, 06:28 AM   #2
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Finally fond this, took quite some time to find anything adressing my specific question at all.

According to the first or second guy answering in that thread, local services are technically NOT needed to allow Buetooth low energy to locate and interact with other Bluetooth beacons. In other words: Google once again dodges complaints and questions and tells people cheating BS. Or lies, if you want. They always answer according questions with "Since Android 6.0 Bluetooth LE needs local services and GPS active else it will not work", and completey dodge that part of questions asking why that should be a technical requirment. IT IS NO TECHNiCAL REQUIREMENT.

And so obviously a wanted business policy of theirs. Man leaves home in the morning, thinking his smartphone is passve and mostly off, hasn'T he just made care to have all those buttons and optiosn switched off? He sits in the bus, takes out his bluetooth headphone - et voila, he needs to switch back on the option that allows Google to track his movements, via allowing local srvices that track his movement: because else he cannot listen to his music.

That corona app therefore has to leave my device. In fact it already has.

There is a reason why I preach since many years: do not trust Microsoft. Do not trust Google. Do not trust any of these tech companies. They play foul on you whereever they can. Playing foul is heart and core and gravity centre of their business model.

Moral of the day: in computer tech things, a thing like paranoia simply does not exist. Said companies made paranoia practically unimaginable, since there is alwas truth in any suspicion against them.

I just checked it, since I did not pay attention to it before, and found: yes indeed, my bluetooth headphones do not work on my old smartphone with android 7.0 if I only allow Bluetooth on, but local services off. However, I checked them on my even older tablet with Android 4 - there it works without local services needing to be on. The policy change came with android 6. There is no tehcncial need to link GPS tracking and Bluetooth. But a strng business desire to link it nevertheless, without technical need.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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