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Old 06-28-20, 04:48 AM   #1
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I read that with Android 6, Google changed the use of low energy Bluetooth and made it then mandatory to have GPS localizing active too, else Bluetooth LE does not work. In other word: no GPS and localization on: no Bluetooth LE for you, we are sooo sorry.

Next I read that even regular Bluetooth cannot that easily be switched off by unknowing consumers. You can unswitch the Bluetooth icon, can switch if off via that screen switch, yes, but Bluetooth then will still send small Bluetooth signals when the device detects the presence of small localised Bluetooth hotspots from mainly local stores, technically they call these "beacon". This was found and reported in 2018. Google wants that stores still can identitfy the smartphone and its owner via Bluetooth, even if the owner has switched Bluetooth and GPS off, so that the store can profile him, send him adverts and personalise advertizing on his smartphone. If you want to disable this underhanded "function" (I call it betrayal of the smartphone owner), you need to go deeper into the device settings and then either disable localising precision options ("allow more precise GPS localising by allowing the use of WLAN and Bluetooth as well"), or you need to search for bluetooth settings in the Google options and google account options themselves. Tnhat then ther eis no more hidden Bluetooth signalling is nothign you cna control - you only have Google's word for it (they were asked of it, and said yes, if you switch all this off, then Bluetooth indeed is down: but thats what they say, not more). You may have noticed by now that all these Google options are set up in so many layers and needing to be adressed in such complex and discouragingly fuzzy ways that it is no unreasonable assumption that Google does this intentionally - to discourage people from locking Google out from their private sphere as best as they can . Its extremely annoying and time-consuming - and it is designed to be right this.

Now my question: is there, as Google claims, indeed a technical need for allowing GPS tracking in order to use bluetooth LE ? My suspicion is: no there isn't, its another Google lie.

Why I ask? The much famed German corona app uses bluetooth LE, and apparently only works if beside Bluetooth also GPS localization is active. They say the app does not track position data and does not extratc such data, and I tend to believe that, since the source code was checked out by independent experts by the chaos computer club. But fact remains that the device itself, due to the active localization function, this way is very well trackable by Google themsleves, and outside the Corona app, allowing Google to track for establishing movement profiles and preference hierarchies, like they want to do all the time, this is part of their business model, else they would not have anything worth to be sold to their business customers who keep Google running. The product they sell - is us, the users. So: is there a technical hardware reason why Bluetooth LE indeed can only work if GPS tracking is being allowed, too?

I use to have my phone offline when leaving the house and having it with me. I run a small prepair contract anyway, since I alsmost never "surf" with it, I pay just 2 Euros per months this way, can send 100 SMS and have 100 MB of data volume, that is 30 times more than I use in a month to check train connections or such. I always have bluetooth and GPS and online connection and WLAN off and have disabled all localization precision options via using WLAN hotspots and such.

For all these reasons I never have contatc lists on my phne, do no emailing and no banking and no paying with my smartphone, have no banking app on it, and do not use ot for shopping. It holds no finance-related or private data. What it does not hold, cannot be "extracted".

Bluetooth always running is technically no good idea, I did it the last days due to this corona app, but it remains fact that open bluetooth interfaces allow attack vectors into your device by hackers close enough to you in the real world: your device can be found by general scanning, and then hijacking it via Bluetooth, which can reach further than you think if the attacker intensifies the signals. In times of corona I might be willing to use it nevertheless, but I will not allow Google to now constantly monitor every step I make at any direction. The corona app may not extract such data. But Android does.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-28-20 at 05:02 AM.
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