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Old 06-22-20, 06:00 PM   #11
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
I've had pretty good results with the changes that I've made. I initially thought I'd created a problem when I sort of Melded a few of the existing mods together but now I'm happy with the way it's turned out.
Yeah, good to know, as you mentioned it earlier on before & I did make note of that

"The range in this area, was I believe left open by a wide margin due to the Dev's of the base vanilla SH4, realized that there may be ( & rightly so) players of it that would NOT be satisfied with the minimal radio offerings included in the base game."

Which is a good thing, as it gives plenty of room to space them out some, which I did also mention of looking at (and in the interim since then, have bumped them apart by 20, just to see how that goes before opening the gaping any wider, as a test run. I can always go back in & do so, if it's needed. )

Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
Pretty sure it's as simple as cutting and pasting the MusicVolumeOnNews line with a volume like into each of the station sections in the ini. It seems to my somewhat undiscerning ear that all of the music and event clips that I've encountered are pretty much at the same volume.
Yeah, still have some info to glean here,before moving into the next segment of editing... that pertaining to this section.. would be helpful to know how this area works or doesn't to any major changes, what the different rates do, i.e .01. .1, so on & so forth up to the .40, so as to have a clearer understanding of it all... if worse comes to worse.. may just go with the .01 if needs be & make note in the read me I'm drafting up to go along with the works, should I get to a stoppage point & kick it for others to enjoy. Haven't got to that point yet.. I shall see after getting this worked out to completion 1st & then decide from there...

Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
To each his own on that. I do like the shuffle aspect of the radio station over the "play the same list every time" option of the gramophone. And I find the "we interrupt this patrol for an airplane" interludes annoying enough to have to keep switching back and forth.
No doubt.. as you say & I agree.. whole heartedly... to each their own or as a friend would say, "whatever floats your boat..." As I stated before, I happen to enjoy the realism factor, yet do have to admit.. finding it a bit.. of an irritation of losing the radio, but that's what happened in real time back then.. they did NOT have the convenience of the ability the modern sailors have of being able to listen to music uninterrupted.. but.. a side note, in a war time footing, the silent service has to maintain silence, in order to survive & do instill that during training, that I'm aware of.

As far, as I know of, the enemy being able to hear you, if you got the phonograph playing or listening to a radio broadcast.. is NOT modeled in game, so as it is, no harm, no foul if you decide to set the radio up for uninterrupted listening... is up to each player, to decide go with realism or relax the Vulcan Darth Vader death grip on the realism factor...

I, may as with the previous section... add info of being able to edit that to allow for still listening to the radio even after diving, with a by your leave decision for others, should I drop this for others to use. Add to that, I may or may not decide later on to go with uninterrupted listening even while deep submerged.. could always change it back or leave it.. who knows..

Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
There is also an added annoyance in that your actual Patrol date is not used for triggering radio events. Instead the Patrol Start date is used. I swear that on my last patrol I was sorely tempted to end the patrol even though I had fuel and torpedoes aplenty because I was so sick of hearing the same newscast about civilians bitching about the institution of nationwide gas rationing just before Christmas well into March.
From what I can tell, is in the section I've gone through... it appears thus far, that it is preset to have event files played by a date trigger.. don't know yet, if such is the case with all of what I'm working with yet or not... am waiting to hear back on a possible source for answering some questions I have & a couple of others that I have lined up, as potential sources of info.

Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post

Me too! I've got a "War Years" playlist set up in Windows Media player that I used when I first started playing this game a few years back and have always enjoyed Big Band and Swing era music more than most of my contemporaries.

Did you hear that Dame Vera Lynn recently passed away a few days ago at the ripe old age of 103?
Hey Havan IronOak,

I can relate.. I enjoy all music I grew up with, which ranged from stuff from the late 30' & up... which included big band, swing, early jazz, blues.. heck.. the whole gamut of music, to be frank. The only garbage I can't get into is heavy death metal, that emo crap & most rap.. There is a couple of early stuff from the infant days of rap, that I can manage to tolerate, but.. it's a very fine & minute percentage of it.

Yeah, I did indeed hear about that.. she lived to a long life... can only hope to make it as long, if NOT longer than that..

Ok, coffee breaks over.. now back to work.. yeah.. I'm My own whip cracker... aka Boss...

M. M.

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