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Old 06-17-20, 06:03 PM   #3989
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The German Corona app for smartphones has launched on Tuesday. It stores data not centrally, but on the individual phones only, and these data get automatically deleted after 14 days. The data cannot get collected by third parties. The source code was made available on the web, so that external experts and the CCC could check it for possible backdoors and security issues, and found none. Data protection and anonymity, by all what I can read, are completely given. The Chaos Computer Club's experts give it all green lights.

Whether the app can be effective for anything, remains to be seen, but it has won trust with flying colours. It was downloaded 6.5 million times already on day one.

Android position detecton must be allowed for tis app for formal reasons only (you can switch that pemrission on and off individually for every installed app) , since modern versions of Android demand that as a prerequisite for allowing to activate Bluetooth. The data on position gets not collected by the app or by Google, they say, it is not relevant for the purpose. The Bluetooth signal and it strength alone as well as exposure time determines whether an alarm is given if one of the stored encrypted detection numbers reports to have gotten infected. Its all voluntary, and data and app can be reset any time.

One can question whether this can have any effect anymore, but this transparency and total control by the user is the reason why after lots of scepticism and a rough start the app nevertheless has won a lot of tolerance and only positive feedback even by the most critical of critics before. There is hope that due to these reasons many people will download and use it.

I tolerate and even use it, but my expectation of its positive effects are muted. I see its importance rather limited.

You need internet connections only for updating the contact list once a day or so. GPS is not needed, only Bluetooth. Constant online connection is not needed.

The apps that have been ther ein fRance and other European coutnries, stored data centrally and were intransparent, and so were not olerated by people. After two weeks the French app still was not even used by 1% of the people. I think they have withdrawn it for now. So the nGermans were late, but it seems that this time they really made everything better.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-17-20 at 06:13 PM.
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