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Old 06-13-20, 02:25 PM   #444
LSH-2022 Liaison Officer
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e Hello everyone!

The past couple of weeks we have been working on a simplified mission editor. This is the first step towards the real mission editor, which will have more features.
These settings will allow players to create custom missions different from the standard skirmish mode:

Mission Title
Mission Description
Encoded Orders: This is an encoded message that the players will receive after the mission has started.
Mission Completed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is completed.
Mission Failed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is failed.
Number of torpedoes in the forward torpedo room.
Number of torpedoes in the aft torpedo room.
Convoy Course
Convoy Speed
Year, Month, Day
Hour, Minute
Tonnage Goal: The players must sink this number of tonnes to complete the mission.
Target List: The players must sink these ships in order to complete the mission.
Anti Target List: The mission is lost if any of these ships are sunk.
Time Limit
Merchant List: This is a list of ships that will be spawned in addition to the ships specified in Target List.
Number of destroyers, corvettes and sloops.
Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered.
Hopefully one can turn on and off that Mission Ends when detected option as you like.

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 06-19-20 at 12:15 PM. Reason: added quote tag
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