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Old 06-13-20, 04:17 AM   #4
steel shark
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Default A game approach

As in cold waters im currently doing both Epic Waters which is cold war to the present submarines

& my two WWII Mods

Atlantic & Pacific Waters

the need for more optics is Very Important even on a epic waters modern subs its good to use the binoculars when surfaced if you want to

and WWI & WWII Subs had Uzo,s & Master Sights

so for WW2 subs their periscopes were very different so basically :

The field of view of observation scope was larger which made it handy for looking around. The attack periscope was built to have just enough FOV to be able to target ships with. Structurally, the obs scope was larger and was risky to use if enemy planes were though of being around due to the bigger chance of the ‘eye’ reflecting sunlight.

as for Epic waters Modern subs my under standing of Modern periscope is this :

Basically: An attack periscope has a low profile and is used (usually) for an attack where you are trying to remain undetected. A search periscope is bigger and has a larger profile. It will have a larger window so has a larger elevation and depression.

Most navies the tubes are the same, as is the ocular box and torque motors. It is the top end that is different.

Now depending on the navies it depends on what the customer what's. Most search periscopes have further electronics in it such as TI, LLTVs, DCs and GPS, Comms and data feeds in the dome. Attacks, usually have a direct line of sight and nowt much else, speaking generally.

Some navies have a TI in the attack as well, or an II.

Countries may have the odd difference but not alot.

Periscopes in the submarine tend to be similar or same layout for both attack and search just with limited capabilities. Both will have distance, direct Los, artificial horizons in both etc. But the search can do more.

of course i know their will be different set ups on both types of periscopes world wide so i got to make em the best i can with the info i can find when i look for information i try to use as many sources as possible then i take the agreed ed upon details and adjust em in to my games

the last point is game restrictions i have to work around or bend or make entire new things to get what i want out of the game

as a side note i have seen and looked at and used your

Type 8-B Mod 3 periscope

Type 8-J Mod 3 periscope

Type 18 periscope

not seen a periscope with a broom tied on to it yet but theirs time

as for Virginia class periscopes not seen on in person but i do own a xbox controller so im half way their

i have also seen various British periscopes in person
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Last edited by steel shark; 06-13-20 at 04:39 AM.
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