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Old 06-10-20, 07:25 AM   #1828
Krusty Krab
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Originally Posted by John Pancoast View Post
Also, isn't v 3.3 the latest version of the MFM ? What I have for non-NYGM installs anyway.
The 3.3 Improved is the current version.

Readme :

MFM 3.3 (at long last): 06/02/2017

IMPORTANT: This mod is JSGME compatible. It can be installed over old versions, buy I recommend a clean install (see further comments below).

Merchant Fleet Mod Version 3.3

Changes from 3.3:

-Altered damage specs for all cargo ships and tankers so that most will sink after about 2 torpedo hits. Many will sink with 1, and you will rarely need 3, except for large tankers etc.
-Altered buoyancy/weight for certain ships that tended to straggle due to the game's calculation of engine power &c.
-Corrected some weapons nodes that were in the wrong areas of several ships.

Note that this does NOT add new ships; it is simply to make the existing mod more playable.

Changes from 3.1:

-Removed Rose Castle Ore Carrier, Empire Freighter, CAM-Ship, and Improved T-2 to prevent possible CTD's with supermods.
-Recompressed due to reports of corruption.

Changes from 3.0:

-Added the Isherwood Type tanker (T19A) to the American roster and to Data\Sea.
-Removed the Belgian nationality, as this is not included on stock SH3 installations and was causing CTD's.
-Changed unit type for CAM-ship to 100 to avoid CTD's with GWX.
-Removed the roster files for the Rose Castle class, M35B, and M36B to avoid conflicts with GWX installations.

DESCRIPTION: An optional enhancement for stock SH3 v 1.4 and supermods like GWX. It contains hundreds of freighters, tankers, small craft, naval auxiliaries, and other surface craft likely to have been encountered in the Atlantic theatre between 1939 and 1945. Over 60 base models and thousands of skins represent vessels from nearly every major maritime nation and dozens of historical shipping companies.


-Uninstall any prior releases of my ships from your system. This supercedes individual mods like the Arrow Tanker, Auxiliaries Mod, etc - all these ships are bundled in this latest release.

-Download the various skin packs to your mods folder and enable the same way (highly recommended)

-Extract in JSGME's mod folder, and then enable. Ignore any messages about conflicts.

Use the various skin packs to simulate changes in ships' appearance depending on what year you are playing. Ignore any messages about file conflicts. As time goes on, more ships will be camoflaged, and fewer will have civilian funnel markings, company names, etc.

If you use GWX or another supermod, install this mod AFTER the supermod - it contains important updates for ships that I released earlier, such as the Empire Freighter and the CAM-Ship.

This mod should be compatible with virtually all other mods - it simply adds new ships to the game world and does not change game mechanics or environmental files. If you get error messages, try installing this mod on over a new career and/or clean install.


This enhancement contains high-poly units and detailed skins. Ideally, your computer should exceed SH3's minimum requirements. Computers with at least 2GB of RAM and the equivalent of a NVIDIA 8600 should be fine.


Because of the new ships, load times will be increased in Museum. However, they will be manageable (3-5 minutes) on most modern PC's. Please note that scrolling too fast amongst the units in museum may cause CTD's. Also, CTD's are likely if you have about 300-400 custom units already installed.


Some ships may not fly flags while at sea. Others may only have neutrality markings on the hull, with flags, home ports, etc painted in distinctive colors. These ships may be transporting war materiel or they may be true neutrals. It is up to you as a commander to use your discretion when making attacks. Try examining vessel behavior, deck cargo, and course - ships around British ports, for example, are more likely to be enemy. This simulates the uncertainty that real submarine commanders had to deal with, in a world where belligerents camoflaged their ships and neutrals carried contraband illegally.
Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

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