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Old 06-03-20, 04:06 AM   #3816
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Read about the linings of blood vessels and what Covid19 does to it, but this (^) is a bit unsettling.

It is that, but, hey, man, it just a flu, bro...

Something to consider when dealing with the idea of a cure or vaccine for Covid-19:

Viruses were first confirmed to exist circa 1896; in the intervening 124 years, how many viruses have been eradicated by human science and medicine?...

...class? ...class? ...Bueller?

The answer is exactly one (1) virus has been declared as eradicated and that's smallpox and eradication is a tricky term here; it doesn't really mean it absolutely no longer exists, just that it is no longer in "the wild" and can only be found in highly controlled labs; the possibility still remains some form of smallpox may still be lurking out there yet to be discovered...

Science/medicine has not been able to get anywhere near the level of eradication claimed for smallpox; the common cold, the flu, herpes, hepatitis, Ebola, SARS , even rabies, among other diseases, caused by viruses still plague humanity all without any cure, just treatments for symptoms or vaccines to hopefully mitigate the possibility of contracting the various viral diseases, and, at that, the vaccines are often of short term effect (there is a reason we have to keep getting flu shots once a year); the flu vaccine itself is a rather hit or miss proposition with medical experts trying to predict two or three of the possible flu strains to surface in a given year and fashioning a sort of 'vaccine cocktail' to try and fend off cases of the flu; sometimes the predictions can be off, resulting in a wider spread of flu viruses than expected or wished...

The only viral disease for which science/medicine has been able to get close to 'eradicating' is polio and even then the disease still pops up here and there...

All this makes the vaunted claims of a miraculous vaccine or cure for Covid-19 to be found in the coming months something to be taken with heavy grains of salt; based on past track records in fighting various past viral diseases, years may be a more realistic time frame rather than months...

...and then there is the specter of possible/probable mutations to have to deal with...

I really do hope at least treatment is found, if not an actual cure, but I'm not holding my breath: when it comes to viruses, those near invisible buggers have us complex sentient organisms beat by a long mile...

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