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Old 05-26-20, 05:19 AM   #51
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Racket NX is one of my all time darling games in VR, and quite some people dare to claim this to be the best vR game they know. Its a flawless execution of a simple concept: play Squash with a mild flavour of Pinball spice added and smack that ball against the half-sphere of a dome you stand in. Play at all directions, 360°, up and down, high and low.. Have targets to be hit that give you energy or time, have penalty targets that you want to avoid to hit. Play single player or multiplayer. Swing the racket, and play gentle and slow, or smack it to crash throuhg that enegry obstacle, or play with spin and effet.

If there is a game that remindsofo the lightgames in Tron, this it is.

Its one of the sports games that can only be realised in a virtual reality, not in the real world. The ball is an energy ball, the playing field interacts with it in a way a rubber ball thrown against a stone wall never could. The feel of smackinjg the "ball" with your racket is incredibly satisfactory. Everything in this game is about right, its close to perfection. A clever indicator below your feet shows you your centering psoition and whether you are in threat to get entangled by your cables or not by spinning aorund your axis too much. You need good space and full 360° movement freedom, this game really gets played at ALL directions. The game has levelled challenges, the action ranges from fair and lazy to insanely hot, time pressure can become mean on highest levels. The crystal looks of rackets have somethign very addictive to them.

The game impacted on the scene when it came out, and became a great success from annoucnement day on. If you play it ambitiously, it can brign your heartrate up a little bit. I do not want to exaggerate the sporting effects of VR sprt games, it always depends on how much heart and ambition you out into it and how good the game is, but good VR games can give you a mild to medium workout. Nothing to repalce reality with, but then also nothign to just look down on. Most people however play these tigns quite relaxed, and standing. When i play these games and swing a racket, I tend to rewally let my racket fly with power. For one simple reaosn: I enjoy it much better this way if I put physicla effort into it, and do not just stand there and move my hand occasionally.

The first video illustrates cooperating in multi player from external view, the second shows how it looks form player's POV.

A must have for VR.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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