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Old 05-10-20, 02:36 AM   #13125
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
OK, so there you have it Fitz...

v2.2.18 Changelog:

- Added Kapuhy's "Ghost Ships Fix", a large number of equipment/deck crew improvements and fixes for many SH3/SH4 imported coastal and other vessels.
- Added set of improvements for "Operation Drumbeat" campaign proposed by Tonci87 (Flotilla objectives start/ending dates and instructional radio messages).
- Added special chart which contains corrections for manual local apparent noon latitude calculation in SH5/TWoS world, for Captains who wish to perform full manual navigation using built in sextant. (Charts-Real navigation-LAN corrections)
- Fixed long standing stock game/OHII problem where still inactive airbases would spawn airplane groups before airbase activation date.
- Implemented new ship type in proper gr2 format - Small Motor Coaster created by Kapuhy!
- Added network of coastal traffic lines for various war theaters in all campaigns which will be used by various coastal merchants, trawlers and other coastal vessels available in the game (UK, Scandinavia, France, Spain, Mediterranean ect).
- Redesigned traffic, convoys, ocean liners campaign layers and sea traffic lines for all campaign chapters.
- Added at least 30-40% more individual sea traffic (groups of 1 to 2 ships) for many previously unused harbors for all campaign chapter. Somewhat safe and protected waters will feel much more alive from now.
- Fixed large number of errors and oddities from stock and OHII campaign files. Added much more minor fixes and game improvement as well.
- Redesigned sea threat zones which will correctly redirect sea traffic during their journey. No more oddities like allied merchants near axis controlled ports/airspace or German supply ships in English channel.
- Added Type-XIV "milk-cow" sub to the German roster which will take part in submarine sea refitting operation between early 1942 to mid 1944.
- In addition to Dithmarschen Supply Ship, German auxiliary crusers and few other merchant types will from now take their role in U-boats replenishment operations as well.
- *Installation note: The update can be installed anytime but some of the changes may require fresh campaign restart in order to be activated. For Captains who do not wish to restart their current campaign changes will be activated at the beginning of the next campaign chapter.

Many many thx for you hard work and all supports of it.

Can you can tell us which changes are only active after a starting an new camapign?
At the moment I am in front of New York at Drumbait and it was a hard work untill now.
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