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Old 05-02-20, 09:15 PM   #1671
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Default NYGM Mediterranean

Back to NYGM probably for good due to separation anxiety issues.

Been doing some Mediterranean campaigns. A few various thoughts.

1. Some interesting background on thoughts of how they created the Med add on for NYGM here going back to...2006 !

2. Interesting, in NYGM and SH Commander, the first two months of the 29th flotilla put you in Brest. You can select the mod for your next campaign you want to do, look at the location dates for the flotilla in SH Commander; start in Brest and go into the Med.
First time I did this the whole watch crew got killed (WO and 4 enlisted). Got away and into the Med but just barely. Then when the month comes around for your Italy basing change for your flotillia you get a radio message and just end your patrol there.

3. Different kind of combat for sure. Most merchants travel with an escort or two. Since pickings are pretty slim, I just shoot a spread of 4 torpedoes, even if it is a small merchant because waiting around to finish it off is a bad idea if you are going to have to deal with two destroyers.

4. Lots of fun.

Now.... weather. I have used a variety of water environments. The current one shown below I like for two reasons. I happen to like the "sunken ships" look at distance. It is a 20k environ and I like how it does cloudy days.
--I don't like the fast moving clouds.

With that, are there any add ons out there that better represent Mediterranean water and weather?

NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 – Stand Alone Version
Harbor Traffic Add-In
Single Merchant Contact Mod
NYGM3.3 Mediterranean Campaign Only
Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final
Ahnenerbe WideGui 1920 x 1080 Final - FILES for NYGM v3.6D
Darojax Officer Icons 1.0
ail Das Boot officers mod v2.19
SHIII Internal Life Mod v1.2
RadioMessage - MorseCodeOnly
SH-5 Water for SH-3 20 Km V84

"Auf gefechtsstationen!"


Last edited by Leoz; 05-02-20 at 09:51 PM.
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