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Old 05-02-20, 12:47 PM   #3324
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Hey now, even you said in another topic his ego is huge. This in my opinion would cause him to share 'his' ideas for viral disinfection, or hint that 'he' knew little Un was still alive, and now saying 'he' knows the escape was from Wuhan. Like him or not he is the president and briefed and made aware of whats going on in the world. Its just that his ego strives to make him feel special, the centerpiece of attention by telling people he knows things we're not privy too.

And as far as listening too medical professionals, I do. But bare in mind I'm not trying to argue personal likes or dislikes or that you're wrong and I'm right. I'm just saying from I've read, lancet, NIH, media etc etc. things are not as clear cut as some make it out to be. Time will tell and frankly I think its waaay too early to put all my eggs in one basket.

Oh, yes, Trump does have an ego; in fact, its "Yuuuge", the biggest and bestest in the world, ever, never ever seen before and it is the most "beautiful" ever and we would know that were it not for Trump's world famous modesty...

It is one thing to be briefed and another to actually pay attention, ask serious questions, analyze and make considered decisions; given Trump's woefully minute range of knowledge on any matters, except his own superiority, and given his wont to avoid actual fact in favor of 'out of the butt' lunacy, the chances he is making decisions about something as crucial as the lives of US citizens in the face of Covid-19 based on fully informed consideration rather the personal and political self-interest is virtually nil. I have had the experience, and I would wager others have also, of being at meetings where principals of a business are being briefed about substantiate matters and some of those principals either being unable or unwilling to grasp the matters being discussed. I once had to do a coupe of presentations to lawyers at a Beverly Hills law firm, including senior partners regarding the implementation of a new in-house computer system and billing program. One of the partners was known for having a mental density akin to lead and he did not disappoint when, during a question and answer session at the end of the presentation, he asked a couple of questions that were stunningly obtuse; one of the questions about a billing stricture was so illegal of the face of it, it stunned the room; the other senior partners' heads whipped around to glare at him so fast I thought they'd get whiplash; the lawyer in question had been a member of the White House staff under Nixon and he proudly displayed two letters of commendation, one each from Haldeman and Ehrlichman, on the wall of his office; he was always a pain to deal with and never seemed to fully comprehend anything he was told, yet, because of his connections and associations, he was a partner...

Being in room during a briefing and actually being present are two very different things; ask any schoolteacher or parent of a teenager. Trump is like a spoiled toddler who only hears what he wants to hear and believes only what he wants to believe, even in the face of incontrovertible fact, and who has no problem, morally and/or ethically, making up "facts" to fit his "realities". He is a PINO (President In Name Only) and, after November, will be heavily 'unmissed'...

About listening to medical and scientific professionals about medical and scientific matters, it is more a matter of weight: which carries the most weight? The opinions based on years, sometimes decades, of experience and knowledge of actual practitioners in the fields in discussion or the opinions of someone whose most recent prior experience was as a 'reality TV' celebrity who has zilch knowledge and experience in the fields in discussion? Remember, Trump's the guy who openly, in public, on national TV, made the boneheaded suggestion of injecting bleach or other disinfectants into a human body...

I'm not saying anyone should listen solely to only medical professionals, or even only to a particular professional; I am merely saying, in matters requiring expertise, it is better to listen to and consider the opinions of experts in the subject field(s); listening to the rantings of the Big Orange Loon are, to be kind, 'counterproductive'...

Outside of conspiracy theorists, politicians with agendas to push, or those who blindly support anything spewing from the White House, actual knowledgeable scientists, US intel agencies, intel agencies from outside the US, and investigative efforts by the press have not found any actual evidence to substantiate or confirm any solid connection to Covid-19 and the Wuhan lab nor that the virus is man-made; quite to the contrary, the bulk of confirmed findings points to a substantiation of an organic origin of the virus...

I noticed you did not seem to comment on the substance of the link I provided; any thoughts on the insights of an actual witness and participant in/of the Wuhan lab?...

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Last edited by vienna; 05-02-20 at 04:03 PM.
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