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Old 05-02-20, 11:49 AM   #3322
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
I'm gonna let you in on a very closely held secret, so don't tell anyone else:





I wouldn't trust anything Trump says he is certain about, and this "insider intel" is just another of his very, very many vague claims made without any actual proofs or corroborations. Its just like when he says "many people " have told him something, the actual truth is he pulled his claims out of his ample butt. As far as " something he may have heard during one of his intel briefs", well, he is known to zone out during meetings and to selectively parse the subject matter to fit his own agenda/needs; in other words, accuracy and integrity are not among Trump's strong points...

The characterization of the Wuhan lab "being just a few blocks away from the wet market" is also misleading: the lab is reported as being at least eight miles away from the lab, so critical proximity is/was not an issue...

When it comes to information about Covid-19, I prefer to place my trust in the words of those with actual first hand knowledge of the nature and causes of viruses and the medical efforts to identify and treat/cure them; politicians, particularly those with a well known and documented disregard for the truth, are very poor SMEs, to say the least. Doctors and experts like Fauci and Birx, with lifetime experiences in the field are a far wiser choice for information and data...

I often make reference to an old advertising slogan: "Ask the man who owns one".; it was the slogan of the Packard motorcar company and simply stated the best way to know the truth about their product was to ask an actual buyer and user. This idea is something to be applied to a lot of situational judgements: if you want to know about the science of Covid-19, do you ask a lay person with very little to no specialized medical knowledge and/or experience or do you ask a respected specialist with a long track record in the field? I'd ask the man (or woman) who "owns" the knowledge...

In that vein, this is an article about a US scientist who actually worked at the Wuhan lab in question, even to the point of training Chinese lab researchers; the level of detail about the internal operations at Wuhan by someone, not of the Chinese government, nor of the Trump administration, by someone who was actually there and participated in daily functions carries a whole lot more weight than the jibber-jabber of politicians:

A US researcher who worked with a Wuhan virology lab gives 4 reasons why a coronavirus leak would be extremely unlikely --

Don't know about anyone else, but in matter like Covid-19, I'm putting my trust in actual knowledgeable medical experts and not in the ravings of a desperate, fat-ass politician...


Hey now, even you said in another topic his ego is huge. This in my opinion would cause him to share 'his' ideas for viral disinfection, or hint that 'he' knew little Un was still alive, and now saying 'he' knows the escape was from Wuhan. Like him or not he is the president and briefed and made aware of whats going on in the world. Its just that his ego strives to make him feel special, the centerpiece of attention by telling people he knows things we're not privy too.

And as far as listening too medical professionals, I do. But bare in mind I'm not trying to argue personal likes or dislikes or that you're wrong and I'm right. I'm just saying from I've read, lancet, NIH, media etc etc. things are not as clear cut as some make it out to be. Time will tell and frankly I think its waaay too early to put all my eggs in one basket.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.
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