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Old 04-03-20, 07:58 PM   #13002
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hi, i'm kind of new to this, there's probably an easy answer. I'm playing my first campaign and I've finished the Sept1-4 mission and docked in Kiel . I want to take the Scapa Flow mission but it's not available. When I actually launch on the mission to the eastern coastal zone, it shows the Scapa Flow mission on the map now because time has passed, but if I dock immediately to take it, I'm well past the window of opportunity.

How do I make this work? Do I need to go back to a save during the prior Poland mission and wait for a certain date before docking? So that the time frames match up?

I've heard I could use the KSD Commander to change the days in port but that app seems to do nothing for me, it won't save the changes I make to days in port and the app doesn't launch the game when I click [Start the Game]. Besides even if I could change the days in port manually, I still don't know what the actual window is to take the Scapa Flow mission.

Thanks in advance for the help. I'm really kind of new to this so it's probably something really obvious and easy. I hope.
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