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Old 03-26-20, 12:23 PM   #1881
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Hey Catfish (and everybody else thinking masks are not needed)

Originally Posted by Focus magazine
Ärztepräsident appelliert an deutsche Bevölkerung: „Tragen Sie Schutzmasken im öffentlichen Raum“

Topmeldung (16.37 Uhr): Ärztepräsident Klaus Reinhardt hat an die Bevölkerung appelliert, Schutzmasken zu tragen: "Mein Rat: Besorgen Sie sich einfache Schutzmasken oder basteln Sie sich selbst welche und tragen Sie diese im öffentlichen Raum", sagte der Präsident der Bundesärztekammer (BAEK) der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ). "Diese Masken garantieren keinen Schutz vor Ansteckung. Aber sie können ein wenig helfen, das Risiko zu verringern, andere anzustecken oder selbst angesteckt zu werden."


Doctors' president appeals to German population: "Wear protective masks in public spaces"

Top news (16:37): Doctor President Klaus Reinhardt has appealed to the population to wear protective masks: "My advice: Get simple protective masks or make your own and wear them in public space," said the President of the German Medical Association (BAEK ) of the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ). "These masks do not guarantee protection against infection. But they can help a little to reduce the risk of infecting others or being infected yourself."

Do the lazy ones now get it, yes...?

However, with how he continued he contradicted himself:

Reinhardt emphasized: "Wearing simple masks can also make sense to contain the virus." The simple masks made of fabric or other materials are only an auxiliary construct. "But they are better than nothing because they filter the air we breathe," he justified his appeal.

At the same time, the medical president urged the population to use only simple masks. "Important: Do not order or buy professional protective masks online," said Reinhardt. "If you are not in the healthcare sector or have previous medical conditions, you do not need FFP2 or FFP3 masks."

The professional protective masks are more urgently needed by others, Reinhardt explained in the NOZ: "Sick people should wear them when they are dealing with other people. Above all, doctors and nurses who care for sick people need these masks in order not to do so themselves fall ill and become carriers. " If a Covid sufferer and his caregiver or doctor wear an FFP2 mask, "the level of protection is very high. And that is crucial at the moment."


In other words: try protect yourself, but do not protect yourself well. Reason: exactly what I outlined in my earlier response to Catfish one page earlier. That puts a family father into an interesting position: should he put his family at risk by not buying FFP mask he could get, and instead have his wife knitting some textile together, or should he be "unsolidaric" with nurses and doctors and dare to chose the best protection for his family and children?

It did not had to be this way, if politicians would have done their homework since 2013. But it was so much more important to redirect a massive mass migration to Germany two years later and since then pay billions for that. And waste many more millions and billions on several other dubious political tasks, and voter briberies for the next elections.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-26-20 at 12:49 PM.
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