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Old 03-26-20, 07:42 AM   #1876
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Catfish, fall doch nicht immer wieder auf den selben Blödsinn rein.

Drostens comments owe to the simple fact that they want to channel all masks into the health system, since politicians failed to build the reserves needed there although they knew since 2013. A study has shown that even a kitchen towel before your face catches 50% of particles that an FFP3 masks would catch, after 3 hours wearing it it catches even 5% more, 55%. That is not a perfect seal, but better than nothign if you considers that Drosten also says that the virus load during exposition is very relevant: the higher the virus load if you get infected, the more severe your later symptoms, the less virus you catch the milder the desease goes. A towel reduces the virus load by one half. But go on, dont protect your face if you think that is clever.

Its not the first time that Drosten -and others - does not tell the full truth. When talking about aerosols, he said that moisture drops from breath drop to the ground within seocnds and reach out just one meter. WHAT HE DID NOT SAY is that these are just the thick and big drops of up to 1mm in diameter. But we breath out a much finer aerosol, with every stroke of breath, just breathe against a window and you see what it is about. These particles are much, much smaller, get inhaled deep into the lung (VERY bad) and can float in the sky for up to 1.5 hours like an invisible mist. These are infested with not as heavy loads of virus, still they are infested.

Only a stupid can want to seriously argue that this is no problem, especially in closed rooms with high moisture in them and little exchnage of fresh air. Drosten is not stupid, he just faces tough practical constraints. Also, the Asian countries fighting to keep numbers down, all have one - amongst several other - measurements in common: the population is edcuated form childhood on to run a much stricter hygienics regime and to wear face maks, mostly to protect others form oneself, but in times on pandemics and where available also thicker masks that also allow the wearing individual to be protected from the other.

Finally, masks help to prevent your hand from touching your nose and mouth, movements of habit that we all do all the time and that we mostly do not be aware of. Habits. Hard to beat.

Drosten does not necessarily lie. He is under pressure from harsh facts, and these facts are that we allowed to be in dramatic short supply of masks, and thats why he does not tell all the truth, to prevent the public from buying the small amounts of masks availabe that he wants to see in use in hospitals. I cannot even attack him for that, I do not know what I woudl do in his place. But to say masks have no effect and do no good, simply is wrong. Makes no sense. And at least 1.5 billion Asians strictly dosagree wth him anyway, and the statistics are in their favour. They have accheived what the West so far struggles in: to slow down and even contain the pandemic.

Stop pushing that dangerous nonsense. It borders physical injury to mislead people like this. Everybody should use what is available to him to protect him from thin layers of aerosols, which is especially relevant in crowds (thats why they do social distancing!), and closed rooms compartmdents of any kind. Even three layers of cotton is better than nothing. Even a leaf of paper held before your face when the other is coughingat your direction is better than nothing, damn, I cannot believe that I even need to explain this. Whats wrong with you, Catfish?

Keep the load of virus you get hit by as low as you can. SaysDrosten himself. So use whatever is available to to protect yourself, means: nose, eyes, mouth. Every little bit helps. every little bit may be the bit that makes the difference for you. A towel, a surgical masks, a sel-made cotton wool mask, a FFP2 or even FFP3 respirator mask. They all shield you, OBVIOUSLY, some do more, some do less. The effect depends on the quality. But they all have an effect at least. They all help you to shift chances in your favour. And that is what it is about: to bribe your luck, to influence chances in your favour.

I do not wear a FFP3 mask when driving on bicycle. Not when walking down the street. But when I enter a supermarket, or would walk close to the stands of a market, or enter a baker shop with the high moisture in the air there, before I enter such places, I put it on and also wear thin latex gloves (which i take off and do away once I leave).

Heck, grow up, people. This is elemental, profound reason! This is the 101 of hygienics, like washing your hands! Drosten would tell people not to wash their hands with soap if soap would be in short supply and would be needed in hospitals. What else should he do, eh...?
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-26-20 at 08:06 AM.
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