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Old 03-21-20, 04:37 PM   #1627
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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^ Listened to a live interview with Drosten today, in the radio on DLF (Deutschlandfunk) today while driving to and fro Braunschweig.

Good man, he also makes the panic spreaders look awful.
"Corona is dangerous, but manageable." He is also of the opinion that Germany is taking the right way.

"We're two or three weeks ahead of some of our neighbors. We've been able to do this because we've been doing so many diagnostics, so much testing. Of course, we missed some cases in this early stage, that always happens. But I don't think we overlooked a major outbreak. This assertion is also supported by the fact that we are seeing cases in Germany increase as expected. But we're also seeing that we have fewer deaths than other countries."

(This was also said in the radio interview.)

But also:
"ZEIT ONLINE: How much longer will we be able to keep up with testing in Germany?
Drosten: At some point, this won't be possible anymore. We're simply not able to increase our testing capacity as quickly as the number of cases rises. Then two things will coincide: First, some of the people who are now sick with COVID-19 will die. And second, because we won't be able to test everyone, our statistics will be incomplete. Our fatality rate will then also rise. It will appear that the virus has become more dangerous, but this will be a statistical artifact, a distortion. It will simply reflect what's already starting to happen: We're missing more and more infections."

So, it still can get much worse here.

He explained the differences between countries like China and us, and why he thinks why our way is the better one, even, or especially, in dire situations like this. When asked about the UK and the US he was very... quiet.
Whatever, he mentioned the cooperation within Europe, but also said that an earlier appreciation/realisation? of the multiplying of cases in Italy would have been desirable.
He is also of the opinion that China was (relatively) open and communicative, so while it all spread from China, the latter's reaction and international information was quick and decisive.

I wonder whether i can get this on audio recording somewhere.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 03-21-20 at 04:54 PM. Reason: typoes, still some left i fear
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