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Old 03-19-20, 10:50 AM   #8959
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Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk View Post
Better yet, he said what the voters wanted to hear in the states that were needed to win the electoral college for said states.

Well I tell ya what, those that did not vote for Trump and said, "Not my president" can send the forthcoming checks back to the Federal Reserve.

So, a tacit acknowledgement Trump's occupation of the Oval Office has nothing to to with voter support of him or his policies, but, rather, the ability for a candidate to game and gimmick a flawed electoral system; considering Trumps margin in all the 'swing states' combined that gave him the electoral win was about 88,000 votes, it would appear, given how badly he has screwed the pooch as president, that margin of credit of 88,000 votes has, by now, dissolved and is, perhaps, now a sizable debit; the losses by the GOP in some of those states in the 2018 midterm elections does not bode well, nor do the subsequent losses on the local level in votes in those states since 2018; Trump is very damaged goods and, as I have said before, the very high probability of his doing or saying something to torpedo his own ship of state is pretty much a no-brainer, particularly his horrible job of lying through his teeth regarding the Covid-19 crisis and his administration's handling (or better said, miss-handling) of the national response; there is one GOP group, Republicans for the Rule of Law, who are going to be running ads leading up to the November election that will simply prove their point of Trump's incompetence, ignorance, and lack of any qualification by simply playing videos of his many, many lies, deceptions and bungling of the crisis; basically, Trump testifying against himself...

So, do you really think, after the Covid-19 debacle, the tanking of the economy, the failure to deliver on a good many issues of interest within the local levels of the 'swing' states, and more lacking of himself and his rule combined with an electorate now getting weary of Trump's immaturity in leadership, do you really think he's still gonna get those 88,000 votes again this time around? The greater likelihood is there's gonna be a whole lot more than 88,000 voters who are fed up with Trump since 2016...

I don't know: maybe all those people who are going to lose their jobs and those who will lose there businesses and those who are going to watch their 401Ks tank will be so grateful for what Trump has done to them, they'll cheerfully vote for him unlike they did in 2016...

You'll have to excuse me now; I'm trying to see if there is any porcine aviation forthcoming...

As far as the rebate check are concerned, maybe some of those "Not my president" voters might give over a goodly portion of money to whoever is the DEM candidate, sort of Trump financing the DEMs to defeat him...

Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Sorry, since I'm paying for those checks, I'm not doing that. I'll take what I can get.

Of course, I probably won't be included in the handout since I'm solvent and able to take care of myself without relying on the government.

All this money disbursed without any oversight on what it's spent on. I bet the coke and weed dealers are over the moon.

If Trump and Congress were to say the budget would be cut in other areas to make up for this or that recipients would have their payroll taxes slightly increased for the rest of the year to pay it back, it would make more sense. But no, that will never happen in this country. Let's add $10 trillion more to the national debt. Skybird is right, we are heading for a financial collapse that will make the economic disruption of this virus look small in comparison.

With these bailouts, this could actually trigger the collapse. I know, crazy to say that, could never happen. Like a pandemic could never happen. Excuse me, folks, I need to go check my garden and guns.


You are very right about the whole rebate swindle. It could, and I fear, will, trigger or, at least hasten an economic collapse; rebates have never really been effective in reversing or mitigating downward slides; if nothing else, its the modern variation on the old Roman "bread and circuses" idea: keep the teeming unwashed masses distracted by antics and hi-jinks and dole them out 'bread' to make them think progress and prosperity exist when, in truth, the barbarians are at the gate...

The same goes, for the most part, for a lot of the bailout plans being tossed about recently; given how botched-up pretty much everything Trump has been involved in, the level of competence, oversight, and direction of a Trump bailout effort is highly in question and way too risky...

When I was 14yo, I spent a summer in Central America and we went to a village high up in the mountains; we wanted to spend a day at a smaller village higher up the mountains; the local transportation was strictly controlled by the dictatorship and, in the region we were in, there was only one guy with a suitable 4WD vehicle authorized to transport in the area; the villagers warned us that the driver was known to stop off during his trips at roadside cantinas and down more than a few drinks, impairing his driving skills; we were able to bribe him into letting someone else do the driving of his vehicle (IIRC, a few bottles of rum were involved along with some cash); when they villagers warned us of the dangers of being in the same vehicle with him driving, they told several stories about him, but one stuck in mind, even after all these years; it seem he was making a run down the mountain roads, after stopping at the cantinas and suddenly announced to his passengers "I"m seeing two roads instead of one, but don't worry, I'll just drive between the two of them!"; shortly after the announcement he careened off the road, flipping the vehicle, and landing it on its roof; amid all the cries and screams he loudly proclaimed "Anyone who is hurt, don't tell me! Anyone who is dead, don't tell me! Nothing has happened here!"; over the past few years of Trump, the situation seems akin to that of those passengers in that overturned vehicle: something bad is going on and the driver won't admit in and the full cause and responsibility lies with the driver. Frankly, for those of us watching this country on its back, crumpled, with its wheels spinning futilely, and the driver claiming nothing has happened, the time has come to permanently take away the car keys from the crazy driver

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