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Old 03-12-20, 12:28 PM   #1053
Rufus Shinra
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Originally Posted by u crank View Post
Well to be honest I don't see much difference. The MSM has more money, a bigger audience and the big name talking heads, but if they are no more reliable than some guy's blog it puts them on the same level. And then there is the obvious political bias to deal with.
Huh, I guess that's another cultural difference. We have pretty tough laws relating to media, and going for outright lies or made-up stuff, that kind of thing, leads to harsh fines or being removed from the air (once again, cultural differences in our relation to the administration and government, it's accepted and it works quite decently here even though it'd be anathema for most anglo cultures), so there's a bit more trust for large media. I can understand where the anglos come from, though, what with Sinclair and Murdoch doing their stuff and political ads being the norm.

Still, the 'alternative media' are IMO even worse because they can afford to do stuff that would wreck the viewership numbers for larger media, since they have a smaller individual market.
Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
BBC takes "not geared to what we need right now" and turns it into "system failing" Now go to BBC health and look how many reports of wonderful things their government and health system doing and are just johnny on the spot working miracles to stem the tide of the virus. Thats what I noticed a lot about European news sources always seem to point out the perceived failings of others in what I think is a distraction attempting to convince their own citizens that its so much better for them where they're at.

If anyone here in the United States really thinks its so much better to be on a small relatively isolated island better hurry next flight leaves in ten minutes
Thing is, the public healthcare systems are still quite more effective in general (better results than privatized system for a much lower cost while still supporting strong healthcare industries) and against epidemics in particular, considering they aren't creating an environment where millions prefer to 'tough it out' rather than facing absurdly high bills. In normal conditions, it's already much worse, but with an epidemic...
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