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Old 03-12-20, 12:58 AM   #998
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Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
Yipes! The NBA just cancelled the remainder of the season!

I heard not cancelled, just postponed...

There seems to be a bit of the heavy hand of kharma at play in the NBA postponement and with a few of the other cases affected by the virus:

Congressman Matt Gaetz, a Trump true believer, openly mocked Covid-19 by wearing a gas mask to the House chambers; then he was found to have been exposed to someone with the virus and and to have hitched a ride with Trump on Air Force One; now he is in self quarantine, has potentially also exposed Trump to the virus, and reduced, for a bit, to spend a night like a homeless person:

Matt Gaetz ended up sleeping in a Walmart parking lot after potentially exposing Trump to the coronavirus --


When he sported a gas mask on the House floor last week, critics questioned how seriously Rep. Matt Gaetz was taking the coronavirus outbreak.

But following his self-quarantine aboard Air Force One on Monday after he had been in close contact with President Donald Trump — in the same car on the way to the flight — Gaetz hit the road and skipped staying in a hotel, electing instead to spend the night in a Walmart parking lot.

"I slept in a Walmart parking lot somewhere off [Interstate] 85," Gaetz told the Pensacola News Journal from his car as he completed the drive to Florida on Tuesday.

Then there is Congressman Mark Meadows, another Trump true-believer, who was also exposed to someone with the virus and is now also in self quarantine; however, the really big problem is he was just a couple of days ago appointed by Trump as his new White House Chief-Of-Staff -- oops!:

Trump’s Incoming Chief Of Staff Under Self-Quarantine After Contact With CPAC Coronavirus Patient --

Given how much of a reputed germaphobe Trump is, such near contact must be driving him bonkers, particularly since he was filmed having a bit of a prolonged handshake with Congressman Doug Collins, another person who was exposed to the virus at the CPAC...

And, finally, there is the bit of kharma related to the NBA postponement: the player who tested positive for the virus prompting the NBA to call the games off is the same player who mocked publicly, in front of the press, the virus and the actions being taken to mitigate its spread:

Jazz center Rudy Gobert joked about coronavirus, touched reporters' recorders days before positive test --

Goes around: Comes around...

Did any one else think Trump looked particularly pained when he gave his brief address on Wednesday night? He was so stilted and awkward it kind of reminded me of one of those hostage videos where someone is holding up cue cards with the demands while another person holds a gun on the hostage speaking; did anyone see if maybe Trump was trying to send a hidden signal, you know like blinking out Morse code or something? Or, maybe, he was inwardly contemplating how he has royally screwed the pooch and frittering away his hopes of reeleection...

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Last edited by vienna; 03-12-20 at 04:58 AM.
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