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Old 03-11-20, 06:47 PM   #977
Mr Quatro
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post

Thats why they have the maximum number of cases in the shortest period of time and that is why their hospitals are drowning. Add to this that they have around 3 beds per 1000 population only, and only few of them with full intensive care equipment.
Add in that the people live in an old country very close to each other with a social bar or a small grocery store on every corner with a predominantly senior citizen population, which by your own admission are being denied hospital health care in favor of the younger citizens.

Originally Posted by Skybird View Post

I am surprised how badly the American system does. I did not know that, only knew that it is overpriced. They always boast with having "the best health care" in the world and the "best hospitals" in the world and "the best doctors" in the world - but its of little use. Too little of everything, and too expensive. And that was already before Trump happened to the system and cut funds for the CDC. Yesterday's video by Traveller explained it "nicely". Means: the description was depressing. And scandalous.
Another fact you are missing is that only 50% of the population of America pay taxes not all can afford health care. The seniors over 65 have medicare and the poor have access to medicare if they have been pre-approved by social security. The upper people in the government have the best health care and of course the armed services Army, Navy, Airforce, Coast Guard active duty and retired have free medical too. The government itself is one of the largest employers of the population and they have health care.

Even the illegal people that enter America have free health care provided by some unknown little law that I didn't even know about. In the state of California for example if you are an illegal alien you can apply for medical and after you are approved medical will pay your medicare dues ($144 a month) in order for the US government to provide you with health care which means that California doesn't have to foot any medical bills.

Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
A big mystery is Japan. They try to avoid testing as consequently as they can, they do not want to loose the Olympics and so sacrifice their people for the economic goal. A victim not counted and officially registered, is a victim not existing. How much must a people get brain-washed to form a servile, suicidal mentality that they cooperate so willingly with their own destruction? Not for one minute I believe that they have the low case numbers that they report. They avoid testing as much as they can, that simple it is.

Germany , by the understanding of the officials, may be on a good way, but this understanding gets compromised again by inconsistence in deciison.making and fear not to trigger unpopular measures. The excuses they give, turn more absurd every day, at least in my understanding of what they claim. So I expect to learn over this year that Germany underperforms in this crisis and causes much more damage and losses than by its starting conditions it would have needed to accept. Its wasti8ng its chances, in other words. Heck, its one of the globe'S most potent health system, by numerical capacities - and as I see it they carelessly trade this advantage away more and more every day by delaying needed measures day by day by day by day, and so neutralising these advantages we should have enjoyed, but now probably will not, or only at a much lesser level than could have had. Wasted chances.
True as far as I believe in Travellers posting saying this is true

The problem is too complexed to figure out right now ...

The next problem will be the people suspected of having Covid-19 and are ordered to stay at home in self quarantine for 14 days. Who will pay their bills? How will they survive? Who will feed them?

Some reports have the Federal government paying them to stay home at a cost of over $900 billion dollars

All of that will be discussed tonight by President Trump on national TV beginning at 9pm est.

Panic has not really started yet in America, but it will
Already today sports teams are saying no crowds will be allowed in college or professional basketball games just the players and coaches and officials.

Seattle just today has said no groups over 350 people may attend any group gatherings

That includes sports and churches and business meetings.

I believe finger pointing and blame is still on the way as this is in the human nature
pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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