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Old 03-08-20, 03:46 PM   #67
John Pancoast
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Originally Posted by merc4ulfate View Post
Actually that is exactly how Günther Prien and Otto Kretschmer lost their U Boats. U Boat commanders were not nearly as afraid of surface conflict as their allied counterparts. Granted, they would dive to avoid the escorts when needed but would often resurface to reengage the convoy. During night attacks it was much harder to find them on the surface than submerged where ASDIC could be used.

Fwiw, from what I've learned over time, Kretschmer lost his boat when an officer ordered a dive when in Kretschmer's mind, he shouldn't have, allowing them to get picked up via asdic. Kretschmer believing the escort wouldn't have seen them if they'd stayed surfaced, and he could have slipped away into the night. As it turned out, he was right; the British ship "Walker" had not seen U-99.

Kretschmer never forgave said officer for that order.

Numerous theories on Prien's loss since it's not 100% known. Kretschmer states on the AOD cd I believe, his opinion that one of Prien's own torpedoes sunk him. But no one knows for sure what happened. But it wasn't on the surface.

There's an entire section about his loss in Blair's books (along with some of the above Kretschmer info.) in which a depth charge attack by two escorts near his position (boat was never seen) is given credit by the British but never confirmed, along with various other theories including again his own torpedo.

Regardless, engaging a convoy in a "surface conflict" is one thing. Choosing to be right beside an escort having a gun duel with it is another.
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Last edited by John Pancoast; 03-08-20 at 04:34 PM.
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