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Old 03-07-20, 10:20 AM   #382
Wolfpack Dev Team
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Default Weekly update

Hello everyone!

After a lot of work the new patch is finally up and running.
This patch changes the way that the clients connect to the host.
Before this patch, clients connected to a Steam lobby, and used
that lobby to exchange data. If the player’s connection to the lobby
(the Steam server) was severed, they got disconnected from the game.
If this player was the host, everyone got disconnected.
The new system only uses Steam’s servers to announce the game, everything else happens peer to peer.
This should solve most connection issues.
This patch has taken a lot longer to make than
we anticipated, and we are sorry that you had to wait
longer than expected.

But why haven’t we finished making the
Scapa flow mission yet?
What’s taking so long?
Instead of just making a single mission, we have decided
to build a general purpose mission editor.
This mission editor will be made available to players,
and missions will be shareable via Steam workshop.
To that end, we are making a global world map (2D and height map),
so that we can make missions everywhere in the world.
This is what’s taking so long.

We are aware that it's been a while since the last patch,
and that you are eager to see new content in the game.
We understand this, and we try to make decisions that
will enhance the game's development in the long run even
if it seems tedious at times. To facilitate more frequent patches,
we will be releasing some of the other items on our
roadmap before the scapa flow level (and level editor) is completed.

Best regards,

Oscar & Einar

Patch 0.21
Reworked netcode.
Fixed Navigator bot plotting bug when reversing.
Calibrated papenberg meter.
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