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Old 03-07-20, 10:01 AM   #818
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
I wonder what he thinks "panic-buying" is? Getting 2 weeks of supplies? How does he consider that panic?
Hoarding like this in German is "Hamsterkäufe" (buying like a hamster). "Hamstern" is an old derogatory Nazi phrasing, brandmarking people who by the act of doing it were accused of expressing their lack of trust into the NSDAP govenrment's all-knowing, all-capable action. Today, the term is seeing a revial, and for the exactly same purpose: defaming people not blindly believing the comments and actions of the government.

It compareds a bit to the times when in the USSR there were no murderings happening. In those couple of years, such crimes were not called that, because that would have cast a shadow on the paradise that was so perfect that murder simply was no longer happening. Because a paradise where there is murder, is no paradise. It were accidents, unsolved mysteries, whatever - but under no circumstance was it murder.

Its also used by antisocial parasite parties preparing to legitmise plundeirng form those who prepared themselves, while many stupids and parsites did nothiugn and in time of need nevertheless hold others responisble for teir failure. "He has goods, he is a hamster, he is anti-social and not solidaric with our needs! Just serves him right if he has to give up what he has!"

You have to express your solidrarity by not preparing but trusting the regi... I mean the government. "Nothing to see here. Walk on, no need to prepare, no need spread alarmism! and panic! Dont believe the fear!-mongers. Masks are not needed by ordinary people. Desinfectants are not needed, ordinary soap will do (actually that probably is true, but still...)"

To be clear, there are hoarders doing exaggerating it, or doing so to earna fortune by selling it for moon prices. The point is that the brandmarking of "hamsters" does not differentiate between reasonably saving reserves for times of need, and abusers. And that non-discrimination is wanted, it puts the reasonably and responsibly acting in the same boat like the abusing ones.
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