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Old 03-06-20, 08:52 PM   #46
Silent Hunter
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Nice trailer! I say give it a chance - I know we hard core sub simmers like to take potshots at Hollywood cliches, but this looks passable. I doubt it will be as bad as, say, U-571.

Looks like a nice roster of WWII - era units - I noticed Fletcher DD's, Catalinas, a Flower Corvette, what looked like a C-2 Cargo, and plenty of period-appropriate merchants and liners. Much better than Pearl Harbor, which had several ships that were way too modern.

The "good luck surviving zee night" - lol - not entirely inaccurate; I have read at least two accounts where German subs/planes mocked the Allied escorts with English messages.

Would have preferred a film focusing on the British role in the Battle of the Atlantic, since of course they shouldered most of the load (and my own family fought for Britain in WWII). Still, I understand the need to keep a US audience interested.
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