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Old 03-05-20, 03:46 AM   #533
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Excellent! Glad you are going.
@ Torpedo: How close to this area where he drew the box were you when you lost your gauges? Or were you closer to Bungo or Kii Suido?...
Hi propbeanie!
I was closer to Kii Suido but at the considerable distance of 560 km.
Two pictures to be more precise:
The first image is my position with respect to Kii Suido:

In the second image I highlight with red rectangle the area where I probably lost the gauges and where I didn't notice the presence of enemy submarines and I made a save which unfortunately was corrupt on December 28, 1941 h.15: 50. I loaded this save and only now I had the sighting from the sonarman of the Japanese submarine C3 which is located at the end of the green line and I lost my gauges.

I hope it will be useful to you.

Last edited by Torpedo; 03-05-20 at 05:44 PM.
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