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Old 02-18-20, 01:37 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ETR3(SS) View Post

I don't recall which ones now, but some of the fast attacks had trainable Secondary Propulsion Motors that could be deployed. Hovering, to my knowledge, is available on fast attacks as well but is regarded with disdain in it's use.
I know the 594 (Tresher/Permit) class had SPMs and I'm pretty sure the 637's had them. 688's definitely have an SPM but its very rare when they get used, to the point that most times they just don't work.
In almost every case, there is tug support to bring the boat to the pier or, worst case the Skipper and Manuv. Watch OOD have enough experience to drive to the pier without the SPM. The only time an SPM is useful is if you're trying to dock in a harbor that has strong currents.

As far as hovering, the 637's were really good at it and most 688's either have some type of negative tank that could be used to hover or else it was added later. If you look at a picture of a COW at work in control and there's something that looks like a joy stick on the side of the BCP desk, that's the control for hovering.
My last Chief had a knack for hovering 688's. All 688 COWs have to know how to do it, but some are better than others.
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