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Old 02-14-20, 11:10 AM   #6
Rufus Shinra
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Originally Posted by UglyMowgli View Post
Well , apparently USN officer didn't have a lot of real naval training before being commissioned, they are thrown on ships and learn on the fly.

In France (and I think in many other countries, they spent a lot of time on ships before being Officer, from bridge simulator to rowing boat to LHP)

here an old paper from the USNI
The big issue is one of personnel availability, from my understanding of things. The Pentagon gets more and more ships to do more and more missions given by the political leadership, but doesn't get enough crews and support to fill all of these. Thus my opinion that mothballing part of the AB/Tico (I'd go for mothballing all Ticonderoga and specializing some AB in the coordination/ABM roles), freeing a lot of people for the remaining ships and then getting the rest on smaller frigates that would show the flag, provide ASW support, do some ABM, etc.

The notion of overkill is a very real one, and the US isn't going to solve these issues by shoving more money at it. It's either this or cut down the missions of the USN.
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