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Old 02-07-20, 02:44 PM   #8567
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Well, as I see it, this opposition undermining the present president thing has been going on as long as I have been around. They were certainly doing it during the Nixon administration, Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama. I think the big difference is the level of escalation.

I mean, during Clinton the Republicans were looking for any dirt they could find on Slick Willy. And they succeeded, maneuvering him right into a perjury trap. I don't feel one bit of remorse for Clinton, the patronizing, lying, woman abusing sob. But I will grant him this; he was much more centrist and willing to work with the right than Obama.

The Democrats undercut Bush II every chance they got.

The Republicans would not work with Obama, they neutered his presidency from the start (with good cause in many cases), even went so far as to deny his right to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, which even I think was brazen and wrong (but again, I have to admit I was happy about the outcome).

Trump brings a lot of this on himself, he does not try to smooth-talk or negotiate with his opponents. And that may be the right approach. But it certainly is leading us down a path to civil war: we have two equally sized sides in this country who are getting farther apart and less hindered by tact and civility. A powderkeg.

Trump will likely be the last Republican/conservative president, with the way the illegal immigration and watering down of American masculinity is going. And we conservatives will have to learn how to be a permanent minority, politically.

I think in the end, that will work out. I mean, we may have a couple generations of increasing poverty, having our lives managed by govt bureaucrats, and dependence on government, followed by a tougher generation who can see why our Founding Fathers decried tyranny and excessive government in the first place. I only wish I could be around for the Second American Revolution.
I concur that the aggressive nature to remove Trump since day one is unmatched. Even today, Trump beat the emoluments lawsuit brought on yet by the Democrats. It is relentless. Yet, the guy gets up everyday and does the job salary free.

The Clinton years I remember well. As a person I did not like him. As an individual who worked with others to get the job done, "balance the budget" and left the Oval Office in somewhat good standings, I liked him.

Obama was and never will be good for this country. I felt extremely stagnant for 8 years. He was in over his head and not prepared to run a country. It was auto-pilot as I see it. I believe Obama to be a greater divider than Trump will ever be.

I'm not sure by definition Trump is a Republican. But, I don't think he will be the last Republican(can't register as King). Say hello to Ivanka. Time for a woman president many are saying. Why the hell does it need to a woman who registered as a democrat?

As for your last paragraph, I concur with your prediction. Not sure about the next American Revolution. However, if you want to start penning a book about it let me know.
“You're painfully alive in a drugged and dying culture.”
― Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road
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