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Old 02-06-20, 09:07 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Kung Flu ?

That's possibly true, but it still doesn't feel like it. I guess when we see the number of cases in Singapore, Japan, Thailand shoot up 20% daily, it will seem real.
With a 2-14 day incubation period, I have a feeling we'll start seeing many more confirmed overseas cases in the next week or so. They say on average, each infected individual infects 2-3 more people (remember, it can take each newly infected individual up to 14 days before the first symptoms show). Exponential infections is a possibility until a vaccine is developed.

And speaking of Japan (where I live), I remember hearing about the first case two weeks ago where a tour bus driver was infected by a Chinese passenger. He was the first. There are now 45 confirmed cases in Japan, and probably many more unconfirmed cases. The scary thing is that the guy from Hong Kong who infected that cruise ship which in now in quarantine traveled around Tokyo for 3 days before flying back to Hong Kong, after which his first symptoms started showing.

And good luck finding surgical masks (not that they protect the wearer) or antibacterial hand gels in Japan. They are sold out everywhere. I went to several local drugstores and asked when they would get more in and they said they had no idea.

Last edited by Traveller; 02-06-20 at 09:44 PM.
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