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Old 02-04-20, 06:13 AM   #8
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Everybody involved in stocks, papers and holding a bank account with money on it, should be aware of these arguments:

The authors confirm some of my own long-held convictions: that especially ETFs are a bubble-maker, that stocks are hopelessly overvalued, that state bonds are toxic, and that the implict national debts are neck-breakers.

My guts feeling says: Not anotherf ull ten years again before the storm hits us in full. I even think: in five years at the latest. I hope I made the right choices and can limit my losses. Loosing we all will. Many of us will be ruined, many people will see their pensions and reserves for their days of age being demolished. Our own governments then will rip off their masks and show us that they always have been and especially then still are our worst enemies. And the Trumps and Macronmans and Merkels and Super-Uschis and Gangster-Lagardes will have no answers and will fall back to their last line of defence: brute force and state violence.

In the event of impending bankruptcy of a systemically important bank, customer funds can be withdrawn or converted into bank shares at a fixed nominal value and the nominal value can be reduced to 0! An objection procedure is excluded. Even a lawsuit has no suspensive effect. All of the shareholder's claims are deemed to have been »fulfilled«, and forever (Section 99 paras. 1 - 3 SAG).
Even if the bank recovers, there is no going back. In an emergency, the following must be liable: All private and corporate customers who make deposits from € 100,000 with a »systemically important« bank. Affected are: savings book, sight deposits, fixed deposits and call money , savings contracts (also capital-forming benefits), registered bonds and temporarily parked liquidity in the securities account as well as the shareholders of the systemically important bank.
Who actually thinks that money in the account belongs to you is naive. Deposit protection may still apply if a smaller bank tips over, but certainly not if a medium-sized or large bank such as Deutsche Bank goes bankrupt. The banks' pots are currently filled with 6.9 billion euros, which is just 0.4 percent of the required deposit! By 2024, there should be 14 billion. This is offset by over 2 trillion euros in account balances. A hot bet.
Fridays-for-Future kiddies will be surprised to learn that it will not be climate death destroying their lives, but their own economic incompetence and the collapse of what they claim to be unimportant: the health of the finance system and its depending economy.

Its frightening what is coming.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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