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Old 01-30-20, 05:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by FPSchazly View Post
Probably pretty likely that these exist. I'd be curious to know how targeting would work. I wouldn't think you'd be able to just shoot a missile and hope it finds something. Especially curious would be to know how it deals with the sun (given it's shooting up towards things). I imagine some quick math in the seeker head could deduce that the heat source is not moving relative to the missile and thus "infinitely" far away and unreachable (maybe the really ambitious missiles would think they could hit it lol). I imagine the designers of this kind of system would want to try and cover the "oh sh*t" envelope and allow a missile to lock on from as many launch conditions as possible.

I'd want to know what kind of smoke/launch signature this thing would leave. I think a smoke plume coming from the water could be more damning than an active sonar return. I would think it would be super last resort to use. Ideal for a situation where there's nothing but one or two MPA around, limiting retaliatory possibilities.
For the targeting. Given how data is exchanged in modern warfare, I wouldn't be surprised if they are used as launch platforms but actually guided using the radar of a fighter. Bit like the US intended to use the F-22 and how the networking with the F-35 seems to be intended to work. A lot of the next gen tech seems to be built with information exchange in mind. A true new age for warfare...
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